Safety and Security
First Time Guests
Welcome! When you arrive, please come to our check in station at the Kid Quest Desk. One of our team members will help check your child into our system. We will ask for family member’s names, children’s names and birthdates, address, phone number, and any special instructions such as allergies or special needs for your child. You and your child will receive personalized ID tags unique to your family and your visit. Parents will use this ID tag to pick up your child following Small Group or Kids Worship.
Everyone Check In
We ask that all kids in Kid Quest to check in when they arrive at church on Sunday and Wednesday. Use the “Quick Check” station in the Kid Quest lobby using your phone number. Please select each group or activity your child will attend.
Kids younger than grade 3 will receive a parent receipt. Parents will need this receipt to pick up their child at the end of Small Group or Kids Worship. We take the safety and security of our kids and families very seriously and will be as over-protective as we can. Our check in system is tied directly to our church software database – TouchPoint.