We take safety and protection of our kids, students and vulnerable persons very seriously. It is the purpose and intent of Hunter Street Baptist Church to provide a safe, secure ministry environment for all people, but will take additional steps to aggressively protect children, students, and vulnerable persons. Our Ministry Safe System includes our screening process for volunteers and employees that serve with minors, our policies & procedures for safety, and our responsibility for reporting any incidents that might occur.
Please take a few moments to watch the video that outlines our renewed commitment to the safety and security of our ministries. We will continue to strengthen our policies, procedures, and training to ensure that Hunter Street is a safe place for all.
To serve in any ministry area that involves minors or vulnerable persons, every volunteer and employee of Hunter Street Baptist Church will complete the following screening and training process before service begins:
Potential volunteers will complete the Leadership Application for serving at Hunter Street. The application includes personal information, faith and church background, previous experience, and character references. The applicant will also participate in a personal interview with members of the church staff to gauge fitness for the desired ministry position with minors.
Potential volunteers of Hunter Street Baptist church must read, understand and agree to comply with the policies and procedures outlined in our current Ministry Safe Policy.
STEP THREE: Criminal Background Check
All volunteers that serve with minors must pass a criminal background check prior to serving. Hunter Street Baptist Church contracts with Protect My Ministry, LLC., to run the background checks on volunteers and employees.
STEP Four: Sexual Abuse Awareness Training
To equip volunteers with information necessary to recognize abuser characteristics and grooming behavior, Hunter Street Baptist Church requires all volunteers and employees to complete sexual abuse awareness training through MinistrySafe.
Ready to Serve!
Once a volunteer or employee has completed these steps of the Ministry Safe System, they are approved to begin working with their ministry or event. The Criminal Background Check and the Sexual Abuse Awareness Training will be renewed every 3 years, as long as the volunteer or employee is still serving with minors at Hunter Street Baptist Church.