Sports Missionaries

 Here at Hunter Street we believe that sports can be an incredible bridge that connects our communities with the church and with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We offer a variety of sports leagues for kids, such as Flag Football, Soccer, Basketball, Cheerleading, Baseball, and Softball.  In each of these sports we provide coaches who will teach the kids how to play and compete, as well as teach them about Jesus Christ.

However, we need Sports Missionaries to help us take the next step in reaching these families.  Coaches spend most of their time coaching and teaching the kids, so there is very little time for them to also invest in the families who are there each week.  Since over 60% of our participants do not attend Hunter Street, our sports facilities have become a wonderful opportunity for missions, right in our own community!

As a Sports Missionary, you will not be asked to coach a team.  Instead, we would love for you to serve as a host for one of our fields or courts during the season. This would consist of…

  • Attending the games for your assigned field or court.

  •  Building relationships with those families—let them know you care, you’re there to help, and you would love to pray with or for them.

  • Point people to the Gospel and to the church.

Would you or your family like to serve as Hunter Street Missionaries? Contact our Recreation Minister, Carey Keiger, 205.985.5300.